
Saturday, 16 October 2010

Halloween is Coming - Call for Horse Costume Pictures!

This 'lawn ornament' is my daughter in a costume class at a local fall fair with her pony Snowman. lawn ornament costume Photo 2005 K. BlocksdorfThis was a fun and easy costume to put together. It's great for a little one who doesn't ride well as the 'lawn ornament' simply takes the pedestal into the middle of the show ring and holds onto a metal or plastic ring that the reins are tied into. The most difficult part was standing motionless while the pony tried to sneak mouthfuls of grass!

There are lots of different ideas for horse costumes for gymkhanas, parades and parties. Halloween is coming and I'd love to feature more costumes photos in the gallery. Do you have a photo of you and your horse in costume that you would like to share? Send it in for a new category in the photo galleries. You'll be able to show off your horse costume or get inspiration for costume classes--whether native Arabian or local gymkhanas. Use the gallery submission form and send in your costume pics!

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